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Written description of Acu-point shown below:

                             3 CUN=                    1 CUN=       
Acupoint Location
B-40 At the midpoint of the popliteal transverse crease( behind the knee).
B-60 Midway between the prominence of the lateral malleolus (outer ankle bone) and the lateral border of the Achilles tendon.
B-65 At the end of the fifth metatarsal bone on the line where the color of the skin changes.    
B-66 On the end of the fifth toe bone which joins the fifth metatarsal bone on the line where the dark and pale colors of the skin meet.
B-67 0.1 CUN from the bottom outer corner of the fifth toenail.
GB-34 In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula or at the meeting point of two straight lines, one drawn vertically on the anterior margin of the head of the fibula, the other horizontally at the neck of the fibula.
GB-38 Four CUN above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the posterior border of the fibula.
GB-41 On the depression distal to junction of fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.
GB-43 Between the fourth and fifth toes close to the web.
GB-44 On the fourth toe 0.1 CUN lateral to the bottom of the toenail.
H-3 Midway between the medial end of the elbow crease and medial epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is fully flexed (at the end of the elbow crease).
H-4 1.5 CUN from the wrist crease.
H-7 At the wrist crease on the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpel ulnaris muscle. Outer side of ulna on the wrist crease.
H-8 On the palm between ring and little finger on the heart line.
H-9 0.1 CUN proximal to the radial corner of the nail of the little finger.
K-1 On the sole of the foot, on a line drawn posteriorly between the second and third toes. In the depression formed between the anterior one-third and posterior two third parts of the sole when the toes are planter flexed (on the mid line of the balls of the feet).
K-10 At the popliteal crease on the medial border of the semi-tendinosus. On the inner edge of the knee crease, in the hollow between two tendons.
K-2 On the middle of the arch of the foot midway between the outer tip of the big toe and the back of the heel, on the medial side of the foot.
K-3 Midway between the prominence or tip of the medial malleolus (or the inner ankle bone) and the Achilles tendon on the medial side of the foot.
K-7 Two CUN proximal to K-3 on the medial border of the calcareus.
LI-1 0.1 CUN proximal to the radial corner, (towards the thumb), from the base of the index finger nail.
Li-11 At the outer end of the elbow crease when elbow is bent or midway between lu-5 and lateral epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is semi- flexed.
LI-2 On the radial side of the index finger distal to the head of the metacarpal bone ( the third joint).
LI-3 On the radial side of the index finger proximal to the head of the metacarpal bone after the third joint).
LI-5 In the hollow below the thumb on the dorsal side of the palm, along the wrist crease.
Liv-1 On the big toe at the bottom of the nail, at the first phalange joint, lateral towards the second toe. 
Liv-2 0.5 CUN proximal to web margin between first and second toes.
Liv-3 On the dorsal surface of the foot in the angle between first and second metatarsals. Two CUN proximal to the margin of the web of the first and second toes. 
Liv-4 In the dip when the ankle joint is stretched outwards. In between St-41 and Sp-5.
Liv-8 In the transverse crease of the knee joint at the medial border of the semi- membranous tendon, 0.5 CUN from inner knee crease.
Lu-10 On the mound at the base of the thumb between the wrist crease and the second phalange joint (on the middle of the metacarpal).
Lu-11 0.1 CUN proximal to the outer (lateral or radial) corner of thumbnail.
Lu-5 At the level of the elbow crease, on the lateral (radial) border of the tendon of the biceps muscle.
Lu-8 One CUN proximal from the wrist crease in the lateral side of the radial artery.
Lu-9 At the outer end of the wrist crease, in the lateral side of the radial artery.
P-3 In the ante-cubial crease of the medial (ulnar) border of the biceps tendon.
P-5 Three CUN proximal to the mid point of the wrist crease, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpel radial muscles.
P-7 At the mid-point of the wrist crease between the tendons of the palmaris and flexor carpel radials muscles.
P-8 On the palm surface, between the tips of the middle and ring fingers as they touch the central region of the palm on clenching the fist. (Bend the fingers and lightly touch the palm between middle and ring finger).
P-9 On the mid point of the middle finger tip.
SI-1 0.1 CUN on medial to the radial corner  of the little finger.
SI-2 On the outer edge of the little finger on the third phalange.
SI-3 At the medial end of the main transverse of the palm on clenching the fist.
SI-5 At the dip of the place where the wrist bone and ulna join.
SI-8 At the dip of the place where the ulna and humerus meet.
Sp-1 0.1 CUN from the bottom of the big toe nail towards the medial side of the foot.
Sp-2 On the medial side of the foot, distal to the bunion bone (second joint) of the big toe on the line where the dark and pale colors of the skin meet.
Sp-3 On the medial side of the foot in the depression below the base of the first metatarsal bone, at the junction of the two colors of the skin on the medial border of foot. Proximal to the bunion bone of the big toe, on the line where the dark pale colors of the skin meet.
Sp-5 In the hollow towards the toe adjacent to the inner ankle bone.
Sp-9 at the level of the lower border of the tibiar tuberosity, in the depression below the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia. (Two fingers below the inner crease of the knee over the midpoint of the slopping surface of the tibia on the medical side).
St-36 One finger breadth lateral to the interior (distal) end of the tibial tuberosity. Bend the patient's leg at a 90 degree angle and have him hold his knee cap between index finger and thumb. The middle finger is on the outside of the shinbone and St-36 is at the tip of his finger.
St-41 On the front ankle crease midway between the tips of the malleoli, between the extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallueis longus tendons.
St-43 Between the second and third metatarsal bones between the second and third toes.
St-44 Between the second and third toes in the groove of the depression near the second toe bone.
St-45 In the second toe 0.1 CUN from the bottom of the nail.
TW-1 0.1 CUN lateral to the radial corner (base) on the ring-finger nail.
TW-10 In the depression 1CUN above the elbow joint on the posterior side of the arm.
TW-2 On the back of the palm on the ring dinger on the third metacarpal bone proximal to the third phalange.
TW-3 On the dorsal side of the palm in the depression between the heads of the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.
Tw-6 3CUN proximal to the mid point of the dorsal transverse crease of the wrist between the two forearm bones.
