How to Stay
The basic aim of any action of
human beings is to achieve happiness or to avoid misery. Everybody wants to
avoid ill-health and wants to posses good health for ever. But life is a
paradox. What we want we cannot possess, what we possess we cannot enjoy, what
we enjoy, will not last long. Health is not merely the absence of disease in the
body; it is the well being of the person not only at the physical level but
also at the mental, emotional, social and spiritual levels. If the well being at
all these levels is positive and increasing, man can reach divine health from
normal health. But if the well being is negative at any level, it produces
sickness. The main aim is to remain healthy once we attain that stage of
normal health.
Imbalance at any level is
disease. 'Dis-ease' of the mind becomes disease of the body. The imbalance of 'pranic' energy over a
period of time percolates down to physical body as disease. Yogic texts say
that disease can be divided into two categories- ordinary and essential. Essential
diseases are believed to have come from the rebirth and the remedy suggested is
self realization. The ordinary diseases are further divided into two-
disease due to external factors and disease due to internal factors. Any
infection or injury comes from external factors for which suggested remedy
is medicines. Whereas, the internal factors are the likes and dislikes of the
mind which disturb the life force and produce imbalance at the 'pranic' level
which shows up as disease at the physical level.
In the spiritual level, the energy is
still and no movement takes place. Whereas, in the intellectual level, the energy
is channelized in the right direction. It is in the mental frame that
disturbance starts with likes and dislikes, which disturb the prana (life
energy). The stressful situation is conceived by the mind. Our mind recognizes the
input through the five senses, compares the input with stored input in the brain
cells which produce sensations in the body and finally reacts depending on the
situation. Most of the present day diseases are psychosomatic and arise due to
stressful situations in the modern world.
How to overcome disease and stay
The formula to stay healthy can
be summarized as Relaxation, Exercise, Diet, Proper breathing, Positive thinking
and Meditation in the daily routine of life. A relaxed person will have a calmer
attitude, gives priority to recreation and makes living more enjoyable.
Regular exercise improves physical condition, raises energy level, burns more
calories, induces gradual weight reduction to help you stay healthy. A healthy diet
increases energy level and good eating habits become easier to maintain over
Proper breathing gives maximum
comfort and energy to a person. Normally, a person uses only up to 500 cc of air
from the lungs as compared to 3000 cc capacity available. With the simple diaphragmatic breathing known as
stomach breathing, the lung capacity can be almost doubled. Early morning deep
breathing in open space brings an exhilarating feeling. Learning and practicing
'pranayama' daily for ten minutes is a worthwhile investment in order to stay
healthy .Thinking positively, particularly about health sends a subtle message
to the sub-conscious mind to correct the imbalances in the body. It is worth
writing a positive health note and reading it daily before going to bed
Meditating for twenty minutes
daily gives the required deep relaxation to correct all the imbalances.
One can easily take up simple
healing techniques like reflexology, acupressure and other available alternate
therapies and press the tone-up
points any time of the day, while at work or at home, and stay healthy for over.
Health is not a commodity
that can be bought. Health is
a treasure one has to strive for and achieve. 'Intelligent living' is the ultimate secret
for anyone who wants to be healthy and stay healthy.